
To help improve the use of the component iCagenda and its module iC calendar, I’ll start a notice setting out the issues already discussed. Thank you read the following before posting on the forum a question already addressed. Notice being edited… 1. GETTING STARTED – the minimum to know for displaying an event Create a category Add an event to this category Add a menu link to the list of events of iCagenda component (multiple settings available in this menu item, Filters and Display) You can then view the event list on your website 2. CALENDAR MODULE – Attention! Requires the component iCagenda Published in the module management modules (you also have some parameters for the module, set by default) Note, choose a position left (future version will manage the positions of center and right module) Here’s the calendar is displayed on your website (be careful to have published a menu link to the component – see GETTING STARTED Important: You must have at least one link to iCagenda in a menu-link for this to work. The module is an extension of the component, but does not work if it is not declared. Little tip: if you do not want to display a link to the calendar in your main menu, you can create a special menu separated in a fictitious position (eg position-icagenda) and so, the module will return to the pages of this menu.

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